Jennifer Lopez's Mom Adorably Rocks Out In The Star-Studded Audience For Her Daughter's Las Vegas Debut -- SO CUTE!

Jennifer Lopez
gets it from her momma!!!
The queen kicked off her Las Vegas residency to a packed and star-studded audience on Wednesday night — and the biggest fan there? Her mother Guadalupe Rodr├â┬¡guez, of course!
Today‘s Hoda Kotb caught J.Lo’s mom breaking it down in the audience, cheering on her baby girl (above).
Hoda — along with Rebel Wilson and Kelly Osbourne — had the best seat in house if you ask us!
Related: Jennifer Swoops In Like A Goddess At The Golden Globes
The TV host recalled the grandmother getting particularly excited during the 46-year-old’s performance of On The Floor:

“J.Lo’s mom was next to me, and she was dancing during the show.”

When she wasn’t fist-pumping along to the music, Guadalupe was making sure her grandchildren Emme and Max Anthony didn’t see too much of their momma on stage:

“When there was a risque part, the grandma, J. Lo’s mom, took the babies, took the kids, and put their heads, like, to her chest so that the kids weren’t watching what was going on.”

Ha! We LOVES it!!
Go momma Rodríguez!
Hoda also captured some memorable moments from her night out at Planet Hollywood (below)!

Jealous isn’t even the word!!!
[Image via Today.]