Jenny McCarthy Tried Out For A Spot On The Bachelorette But Was Rejected By ABC!

Well this is some brand new information!
Jenny McCarthy should know better than to tell a secret to Barbara Walters! It’s bound to come out sometime!
On Tuesday, Barbs outed the former Playmate on The View for a very interesting secret not many people knew!
Barbara said:

“In the interest of information, one of us, that one [Jenny], you tried out to be a Bachelorette and you did not make it!”

What the WHAT?!
How could someone reject the blonde beauty? That totes would’ve made for AH-Mazing TV!
Jenny plus a ton of hot men on television? Bingo!
The single momma was appalled at Barbara, and then explained the reason why she got rejected! She said:

“No one knows that! When I got a divorce, I was lonely. I needed to be loved.
I was single and I loved TV. Put those together and I thought, ‘Brilliant!’ [My agent] said, ‘She wants to be the new Bachelorette,’ And they [ABC] said, ‘No, we’re not using celebrities at this time. Sorry.’ That was 10 years ago. So, pfft.”

And yet 10 years later, here you are! Sitting comfy on your chair with an amazeballs View!
Someone is probably getting chewed out right now for that rejection.
Whoopsies! LOLz!