Jeremy London’s Family Confirm He’s Crazy Needs Help

It seems that more pieces of the puzzle continue to be found and construct a picture of what led up to Jeremy London├óΓé¼Γäós so-called “kidnapping”.
The Party of Five star has been in the news recently for his claims that he was kidnapped and forced to do drugs but his family is finally speaking out and saying otherwise.
His family has told People Magazine that they “love Jeremy, we only have his best interests at heart,” and “feel he needs serious psychological help and drug treatment as soon as possible.”
The police have arrested a 26-year-old man on kidnapping and other charges while London├óΓé¼Γäós family are in disbelief saying “We would never do anything to hurt him. But Jeremy and Melissa’s story of the kidnapping just doesn’t add up. None of it makes any sense. Mainly, why didn’t Melissa call the police if Jeremy went missing with these strange men until 2 a.m.?”
Very inneresting.
Do U think he was “kidnapped” and forced to take drugs or is he trying to make some money for drugs off some publicity??
[Image via WENN.]