Jessica Chastain Says Animal Rescue Vids Help Her Zero Dark Thirty Role

Jessica Chastain is vegan and enjoys a cruelty free diet…
But her character in Navy Seal/Osama flick Zero Dark Thirty is an interrogation machine!
To cope with the harshness of the interrogation and torture scenes in the film, Jessica and director Kathryn Bigelow sent each animal rescue videos.
She states:

Yeah, very difficult. The other day, somebody brought up a quote I’d said about being vegan, “I don’t want to torture anything in my life.” It’s a quote that has been out there for years, and now you see me in this room torturing someone! (Laughs) But I’m acting, everyone, I’m acting.”
During the week that we were filming the interrogations, we sent each other videos of animals being rescued. It was so emotional for me because I rescue dogs and so does she. That’s the kind of stuff that was going on behind the scenes.
Like, this is not our lives, we are not these characters, there’s a place that is waiting for us.

We’re glad to see Jessica has the ability to leave work AT work…
We wouldn’t want one of our fave vegans going rogue! LOLz!