Jessica Simpson's Family Split Over Christmas!

Awww which means Poppa Joe wasn’t there in person for Jessica Simpson‘s BIG second baby announcement!
Now that Jess and Ashlee Simpson‘s parents have filed for divorce, it seems the sisters have chosen favorites
Which unfortunatly means a divided Christmas!
Jessica chose to frolick in the Hawaiian surf with Momma Tina, hubby Eric Johnson, and baby Maxwell, while Ashlee cozied up to her Daddums.
Joe even tweeted his enthusiasm over being able to celebrate the season with his youngest daughter by posting:

BUT Ash was able to carve out a turkey leg some time to visit her sis, as she was spotted in Hawaii on December 26th playing with baby Bronx while Jessica and Eric sat peacefully on the beach.
Hmmm we wonder if Jessica will ever forgive Joe for allegedly cheating on Tina with men? Think of the babies, Jess! Will they know their grandfather Joe?!
OH divorce is such a messy beast!!
[Image via WENN.]