Jessie J Is Still Talking About Her Bisexuality "Phase" In Her Longest Twitter Rant Yet!

What’s a gurl to do when she’s under fire for talking about her sexuality??!
Tweet about it, of course!
Jessie J‘s followers weren’t necessarily thrilled when she claimed her bisexuality was “a phase” and now she’s on the defensive.
So defensive, in fact, that she went on a tweet rant wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy over the 120 character count limit.
Thank goodness for Twitlonger! LOLz!
Jessie wrote:

“…I never lied about my sexuality, I never labelled myself, the media and some of the public did. I said almost 5 years ago now. I have dated girls and boys. Quote me! Which I had! Am I denying that…?No! I was young and I experimented! Who hasn’t? Not with just this topic, but anything! It’s part of life! No lies there. So happened I was becoming famous at the very same time and felt pressure to tell everyone all my business that really looking back was really no ones to know. I fell for a person who happened to be a girl. Every other relationship I’ve had has been with a man. My record label didn’t care and it wasn’t part of my launch! Then I was asked in an interview back in the day about relationships, first time ever, and I was honest and then BAM it took over…. I apologise to anyone who is offended by me calling dating girls a “phase” but I have to be honest with me for me. And for me it was. What else do I call it if I no longer have a want for it anymore? I’m talking for me remember. Not you.”

Ahhh! The responsibility of fame!
We totally get why someone would be offended by Jessie referring to her bisexuality as a phase, but words can get lost in translation!
We forgive you, darling. Let’s just be more mindful of the way we say things, shall we??!
CLICK HERE to read her entire message to her followers!