Joseph Gordon-Levitt Circling The Dark Knight Rises!!

Fantastic news!
According to a source, it’s being reported that the seksi Joseph Gordon-Levitt is now in talks with the folks behind The Dark Knight Rises, Christopher Nolan’s third (and his final, he says) entry into the Batman universe!!
Last year we had been hearing rumors and rumblings of Levitt perhaps being cast as the Riddler in the hero flick, but that was squashed a few months ago.
It was then revealed that hunky Tom Hardy would play villain Bane, and shortly after that we got the juicy news that the beautiful Anne Hathaway would play Catwoman!
The only thing left to wonder is what role will JGL have?? If he’s cast, he’ll begin shooting with Nolan this spring! LOVES it!!
We guess we├óΓé¼Γäóll just have to wait and see. Joseph’ll be in the upcoming Rian Johnson movie, Looper, so that’ll hold us over until then!
Who do U think JGL should play??
[Image via WENN.]