Here's How Jim Carrey Responded To Adele's Halloween Costume...

‘s tribute to Jim Carrey‘s The Mask on Halloween was clearly a hit!
As you know, the 28-year-old transformed into the funny man’s famous character earlier this week with some seriously convincing prosthetics and an almost exact replica of Carrey’s suit from the popular flick.
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Taking notice of the Send My Love singer’s costume, the 54-year-old took a moment to give her a shout out on Twitter on Wednesday — saying he just-so-happened to dress up as one of her “roadies” for the festive holiday:

He probably should’ve gone with “Hello” instead of “Hi”… but we digress.
What a funny and random interaction! LOLz!
But then again, EVERYONE “absolutely” loves Adele, right?!
[Image via Twitter/WENN.]