Vegan Sitcom Needs $20,000 Before It Can Be Produced!

Hmmm… this is inneresting!
Faithful vegan, Joanne Rose is in the process of creating a vegan sitcom, Sex and the single Vegan, but in order to make her dreams happen, she has teamed up with Mobcaster to raise funds to help produce the series.
Miz Rose tapped fellow vegan and actor, Eric Roberts to aid her in her journey to create amazingness, which tells the true story of what it really means to be vegan.
And according to Mobcaster, the show is about:

Jennifer Richards (played by Joanne Rose) is a single vegan woman in Los Angeles going through a 30′s crisis. She blogs about the misadventures of her dating life by rating her dates in accordance with food metaphors. Then one day her blog goes viral. After an outspoken rant on national TV, Jennifer becomes entangled with a top-notch pastry chef named Michael Pierce. Meanwhile producers from a struggling TV network have been following Jennifer’s blog. If her blog became a TV show on the network it could boost its viewership. Jennifer has suddenly been deemed an expert by the public in the field of dating.”

Hmmm… blogs, dating, men?!? This almost sounds like a Sex and the City WITHOUT the meat!! LOLz
The sitcom does however seem enthralling, especially after we watched the pitch (above)!!
Ch-ch-check out the video and help support the cause!!