Jon Gosselin Gives The Dogs Away!!!

This is majorly fucked up!!!

Jon Gosselin is sending the family’s two German Shepards back to the breeders!

The douche is claiming he’s doing it because Kate Gosselin doesn’t take care of them while he’s away from the house.

Sure, Jon, blame Kate for this too! Anything else you want to NOT take responsibility for?

Maybe if you had bought a small house instead of a swanky bachelor pad (aka thinking of your children and not yourself), maybe the kids could keep their beloved pets.

And don’t think we’re one sided on this; we totally believe Kate has issues with caring for the dogs. But we also feel the addition of the two dogs to a family of eight children was in no way her idea.

That burden is all on him.

And once again, the children lose out during their parent’s divorce.

Wonder if the breeder will breed a Gosselin line?!

Goodbye Shoka and Nala!

[Image via GSI Media.]