Jon Stewart Bashes ABC News For Falsely Linking Colorado Shooter To The Tea Party

Jon Stewart may be an outspoken liberal, but he doesn’t let his political views get in the way of pointing out ignorance.
During ABC’s breaking news coverage of the tragic Dark Knight Rises shooting in Aurora, Colorado, George Stephanopoulos shared with millions of viewers that investigative reporter Brian Ross found something that “might be significant.”
Ross then told the anchor that the alleged gunman, James Holmes, has a page on the Colorado Tea Party website.
First of all, we’re not even sure why that “might be significant.” Unless, of course, Ross wanted to create an unnecessary link between the conservative political party and a mass murderer.
Secondly, it wasn’t even the same guy! Ross at least noted that “we don’t know if this is the same Jim Holmes,” but then again, WHY would he bother reporting it then!?
The Daily Show caught the slip and did not take it easy on the veteran newsman. Watch the clip (above) to see Stewart skewer Ross for his lazy reporting and not even having the decency to apologize for it!