Jon Stewart Stomps All Over The President For Making Time To Appear On The View

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
President Obama Snubs World Leaders
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We certainly enjoyed Barack and Michelle Obama‘s appearance on The View yesterday, but not everyone is as easy to please as us.
The President’s being criticized for making time for a talk show while NOT clearing his schedule to meet with world leaders during the U.N. General Assembly.
This wasn’t just another fail for Fox News to focus on either. Even Jon Stewart was pissed!
The Emmy-winning Daily Show host took a jab at the Commander in Chief (above) and pointed out his flawed logic by saying:

“Obviously, with Libya in turmoil, Syria in flames, Iran on the verge of a nuclear weapon, an incredible opportunity for our president — not just to address the world community — but some high level pres on pres action!”

Sources say it’s the first time in 20 years that a U.S. president hasn’t gone to the United Nations meeting and met one-on-one with foreign leaders.
Definitely a valid criticism, but to be fair…it was Barbara Walters birthday this week. Ha!