More Family Members Come Forward With Furious Statement On Josh Duggar's Ashley Madison Scandal!

Josh Duggar has already publicly admitted to having an Ashley Madison account, which was revealed after the cheating website’s hacked information was leaked this month.
[ Related: Ashley Madison Might Become A TV Show! ]
Now, two members of his family — who chose to remain anonymous — are speaking about about the controversy, saying they had no idea that the father-of-four had this side to him. One family member said:

“We are all shocked and broken and furious. Who did we spend Christmases with? Who have we grown up with? Who is this person? This is supposed to be a happy time, and there is a dark cloud over our family.”

The family member added:

“Josh’s integrity is gone. It’s scary. You never know who can have a double life. You really think you know someone. Josh was caught with his hand in the cookie jar and I hope he gets broken in rehab and gets the help he needs. I hope Anna finds the strength to make some changes.”

The former reality star checked himself into rehab on Tuesday, and a second family member hopes that the experience is able to allow Josh to change his ways:

“My heart is broken over this. I hope and pray Josh gets the help he needs. I believe he is getting that help. We had no idea about any of this. We love our family and we are praying for Josh. Thank you for all the prayers and support of all the friends and fans.”

It’s really eye-opening that his own family had no idea that Josh partook in these lifestyle choices they never would have expected from him.
It’ll be interesting to see how Josh behaves once he’s out of rehab.
[Image via Josh Duggar/Instagram.]