Joss Stone Lays A Verbal Smackdown On Lily Allen!

Joss Stone must be in some need to promote her latest shiteous album, because she’s taken to insulting Lily Allen publicly.
According to Joss, Lily’s making a big stink about people illegally downloading music because she’s not a real singer. Seriously.
Says Stone:

She needs to sell records because she’s not a singer, and that’s not an offence to her because I think that she knows that too. I think she’s a performer and she’s more of a personality than she is a singer. But I think when musicians are really making real music people come to the show and that’s what we make our money from, from playing live.
I think it’s probably harder for an artist like Lily and any other pop acts. It’s really about the track and about their personality and their celebrity and that’s how they make their money is selling those records.
So the downloads – she’s not going to win that fight. None of us will win that fight. So let’s just accept it and let’s see it as something that can be beautiful and it might change music for the better. It might sort the weeds from the flowers.”

No word yet for Lushy Lilly.
[Image via WENN.]