Woman Kills Baby And Dumps Body Minutes After Giving Birth!

A 21-year-old woman from Orange County was just convicted of suffocating and then dumping the body of her newborn baby!
Say whaaat?? How could anyone do that?!
Juana Perez Valencia apparently killed then dumped the body of her infant only minutes after giving birth!
This awful woman gave birth in the restroom of the Mexican food restaurant where she worked.
After giving birth to a healthy baby girl, she literally suffocated her, threw her in a plastic bag and dumped her in a garbage bin behind the restaurant.
Didn’t she know you can just leave a baby at an adoption center or in front of a church or something like that?
She was caught for her horrible act after seeking treatment for a “fall” at a hospital the next day.
After denying several times that she didn’t give birth, the hospital called the cops and the Sheriff’s Department investigated and found the baby’s body.
Juana will now be spending the next 15 years to life in prison, where she belongs.
[Image via KTLA-TV.]