Jude Law Dropped 30 POUNDS After Latest Role!

Have to put on 30 pounds for a role? Better not get used to it — because that shizz is temporary!

That’s exactly how Jude Law felt when he put on 30 pounds for his role in the film Dom Hemingway, which he has now since lost every ounce!

The role of seedy safe-cracker Dom Hemingway required Jude to eat two tubs of ice cream and drink 12 cans of fizzy drinks per day….Which doesn’t sound like a healthy thing to do for anyone, regardless of the shape you were in before you started!

Here’s what he said:

‘I was worried after a while that it wasn’t getting where I wanted it to get – I inspected myself every night. It was a lot of everything, but two key ingredients – ice cream, two or three tubs a day, and a lot of fizzy drinks, 12 cans a day.’

Ugh, we bet he never wants to look at those things again!!

We’re really impressed he could break out of the habit and drop the weight so quickly! Good for him!

[Image via TMAX/BauerGriffinOnline.]