Julie Taymor Has FINALLY Reached A Settlement Agreement With Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark Producers!!!

Excuse us for a second, while we take a deep breath before we recap the Julie Taymor/Spider-Man lawsuit saga…….
Back in November, Julie Taymor filed a lawsuit against the Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark producers for violating her “creative rights as an author” of the play…and for failing to compensate her “for their continued use of her work to date.”
Then, the producers released a statement in which they fired back at Julie, claiming they’d already been trying to resolve everything with her out of court.
THEN, Julie put collaborators Bono and The Edge on blast, asserting that they used her as a scapegoat to escape the bad press they were receiving for all of the show’s injuries and delays.
THENNNN, the Spidey producers filed a countersuit against Julie, claiming she didn’t fulfill her contractual obligations.
NOW, we’re hearing that a settlement has FINALLY been reached in this messy legal battle!
According to the agreement, the producers will pay Julie Taymor full royalties for her services as director AND she’ll be paid “certain other amounts” due to her as a collaborator, after the show recoups. She’s also reached an agreement with the producers regarding future productions of Turn Off The Dark.
In return, Julie will have “no further involvement with the show” as a director or collaborator, and she will drop all litigation against the producers.
And so ends the Julie Taymor/Spider-Man lawsuit saga. We WON’T miss it! LOLz!
[Image via WENN.]