Justin Bieber’s New Girl Is A Married Woman, According To Her Mother-In-Law! Whoops!!

Oh, those pesky wedding vows. They’re always getting in the way of things, aren’t they? LOLz!
While that may not hold true for the majority of happily married couples, it seems to be the case for Justin Bieber’s new supposed lovah, Jordan Ozuna!!
Yeah, remember her? Her recent fling (recent as in a few days ago at the skydiving place) with the golden-tressed pop star has crushed the hopes and dreams of Beliebers everywhere! We bet she’s already started to receive death threats!
In fact, we KNOW that she has because we’ve already seen a bunch of them on Twitter. What did she expect??
But no worries to anyone who was concerned the two might get married, because Jordan is already married to someone else!!Awkward! Hope the Biebs is in the loop about this!
Jordan’s estranged mother-in-law has stepped forward to set the story straight, saying:

├óΓé¼┼ôShe’s still married. They’ve been separated a good year. They were very young when they got married …They├óΓé¼Γäóll figure it out on their own. They├óΓé¼Γäóre probably in the process of getting divorced.├óΓé¼┬¥

Well, at least they’ve been separated for some time so there’s no active form of homewrecking going on?
Still pretty awkward though! Ha!!
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[Image via WENN/Twitter.]