Justin Bieber And Selena Gomez Enjoy Late, Romantic Dinner To Cap Wild Week Back Together

Oh, these two are TOTALLY back together!
Late last night, Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez enjoyed a late-night dinner at Morton’s Steakhouse in Los Angeles — quite the feat considering the restaurant closed at 10:00 p.m., and yet they stayed there ’til midnight dining alone together.
How… romantic!!
Related: The Weeknd Was Right Not To Trust The Biebs…
The pair had that dinner as a follow-up to a church even together on Friday, which itself came just a couple days after Selena was spotted wearing Justin’s hockey jersey earlier in the week in El Lay after she watched him practice at a local ice rink.
And yet again earlier today, too, the pair linked up for the final day of the Hillsong Conference at their mega-church in El Lay, spending the day together for some MORE quality time.
That’s a lot of close time together for these two, as relationship rumors (and more) swirl around their heads.
Hmmm… what’s all this mean?!
Related: The Weeknd Called Off The Relationship With Selena!
You already know.
They’re baaaa-aaaack!!!
[Image via WENN.]