Justin Timberlake’s High-End New York Restaurant Gets Health Department Slam!

We know you’ve probably got a million things going on right now, Justin Timberlake, but you GOTTA look after your businesses — otherwise, what’s the point??

JT’s high-end NYC restaurant just got knocked down a grade by the Health Department! It went from an A to a B, and let’s be honest here: who here notices a restaurant with a B rating and chooses it over one with an A rating??

No one!

The restaurant, Southern Hospitality, was given the new grade after a routine inspection, and was docked 22 points by the Department for various violations! They can totally challenge it, though, to get the grade back — but we can’t help but think that it dropped for a reason in the first place!

We’re dying to know what those “various violations” are!!

Still, we bet a little face time from the singer himself would squash any hesitation to eat there! If he was our waiter, we wouldn’t care if he had a B rating!


[Image via Hugh Dillon/WENN.]