She's Got Your Kinky Sex Fantasies Covered! Kat Graham Whips Together TWO Bondage-Inspired Ensems In West Hollywood!

Whips n’ chains Wednesdays!!
Well, okay so Kat Graham’s dominatrix-inspired ensems had neither, but they would have fit right in!
But of course her luscious leather looks were complete enough as is for two separate occasions in WeHo yesterday.
The Vampire Diaries actress started the day off in a black and white button-up complete with harnessed thigh-high heels and printed satchel.
And while we didn’t think it could get more outrageous, Kat switched into a Zana Bayn crop top and its matching tassel-covered mini for an abs-olutely killer combo to wear to the label’s Decades event.
Add in her Rebecca Minkoff heels, harnessed choker, and miniature clutch and she was set!
[Image via Pacific Coast News & AP Images.]