Kat Von D IS Removing Jesse James Tattoo!

Ah, there was a time when Kat Von D said she would never ever ever remove the tattoo of Jesse James‘ face, even if they broke up. That time has passed, and it looks like “never” has come and gone.
Twitter is awesome for this kinda stuff, so here’s what she posted:

“AND SO IT BEGINS! First round of tattoo removal well underway! :)”

Attached, is the picture (above) — which shows a laser burning out the eyes of a young Jesse James.
Brutal! Ha!
Well… literally brutal, as the tat is on her ribcage. Removal is NOT a comfortable thing to do. It supposedly hurts a whooooole shizzload!
This is why you don’t tattoo stuff about your boyfriend/girlfriends! LOLz!
P.S. CLICK HERE to “follow” Perez on Twitter!
P.P.S. CLICK HERE to “like” Perez on Facebook!
[Image via Instagram.]