Yes, Please! Kate Bush Reveals She's Considering Going On Tour!

Holy shiz holy shiz holy shiz! This NEEDS to happen!

As most know, the legendary Kate Bush hasn’t done a live tour since a six-week run of concerts in 1979 – which many attribute to the death of lighting director Bill Duffield during one of her shows – but with the release of her new album, Director’s Cut next month, the singer revealed that she’s considering going on tour again!

She explains:

“It was enormously enjoyable. But physically it was absolutely exhausting. I still don’t give up hope completely that I’ll be able to do some live work, but it’s certainly not in the picture at the moment. Maybe I will do some shows some day. I’d like to think so, before I get too ancient – turn up with my Zimmer frame. I enjoy singing, but with the albums it’s the whole process I find so interesting. If I was going to do some shows it would be the same thing.”


We can’t even begin to imagine how AMAZING she must be live!

Here’s hoping that whatever issues that are keeping her off the stage can be overcome, and that her dedicated fans can have the opportunity to see her KILL IT in concert!

Fingers crossed!

[Image via WENN.]