Prince William & Kate Middleton Have A 'Backup Plan For Everything' When It Comes To Baby No. Three's Arrival!

Kate Middleton is FULLY prepared to welcome her third child into the world.
As the Duchess of Cambridge has already given birth to two royal little ones, she’s well versed in what to expect when her due date arrives. Thus, it’s no surprise to learn that the brunette royal has everything prepped and planned “down to the tiniest detail.”
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For example, Duchess Kate’s luxe maternity suite, at the Lindo Wing in London’s St. Mary’s Hospital, has been under lock and key since mid-March. An insider spilled to Us Weekly:

“Security does regular sweeps of the room, then it’s resealed each time with tamper-proof tape. It’s a high-security operation. Even the crawl space above the room is checked regularly.”

The pregnant 36-year-old previously gave birth to her other children, Prince George and Princess Charlotte, in the very same wing. Pretty much, the whole “royal baby” operation is a well oiled machine, at this point.
With baby no. three’s due date only weeks away, it’s said the Kensington Palace “baby team” is on high alert. Apparently, the shortlist for “baby team” includes those closest to Kate and husband Prince William. Case in point, Carole Middleton is a part of the group.
Reportedly, the team “is dedicated to making sure everything is ready, from media plans to security to hospital arrangements. There’s a backup plan for everything” Smart, smart.
And there’s a purpose for all this intense planning!! Supposedly, the hospital is only given a “five minutes’ notice” before Will and Kate complete the mile-and-a-half drive from Kensington Palace to St. Mary’s. The tipster explained:

“The hospital will get only five minutes’ notice ahead of Kate’s arrival. [It’s designed] to prevent anyone being tipped off that she’ll be leaving home. And because everything is organized so precisely, the hospital can handle such short notice.”

After the twosome’s arrival, it’s expected that Momma Middleton will stay by George and Charlotte’s sides, to make sure they’re cared for amid all the excitement. The confidant added:

“She’s visited Kensington Palace a number of times over the past few weeks. Alongside William, she’s been so supportive and helpful.”

Once William and Kate’s third kiddo is born, the couple and their new addition will head back home as soon as possible. The source concluded:

“Depending on how Kate feels, it’s hoped she can return home the same day or the following morning.”

Exciting stuff. We’re wishing mommy and baby a VERY safe delivery!!
[Image via John Rainford/WENN.]