No Kidding! Katherine Heigl Reveals She Overdid It On The Romantic Comedies!

Oh, boo hoo!
Katherine Heigl turned into a high-in-demand actress with the help of Grey’s Anatomy, Knocked Up, and 27 Dresses, but it was then that she began to feel “betrayed” by her career.
With a string of flopping rom-com flicks like The Ugly Truth, Katherine landed herself on top of one of the most embarrassing lists of all, Forbes‘ “Most Overpaid Actors.”
That must’ve hurt!
But what’s to blame for her star burning out so quickly??!
Obviously Katherine went a bit overboard with the rom-coms! Even she’s willing to admit it now!
Oh, and we’ll never forget when she trashed her breakout role on Grey’s and pulled herself out of the Emmy’s race because the material she got didn’t “warrant a nomination.”
Thankfully, she took a step back to reevaluate her career before signing up for her HIGHly anticipated new show, State Of Affairs.
Katherine explained:

├óΓé¼┼ôThe thing that was my best friend for a long time suddenly turned on me. And I didn├óΓé¼Γäót expect it. I was taken by surprise and angry at it for betraying me…I had an amazing time. I love romantic comedies. But maybe I hit it a little too hard. I couldn├óΓé¼Γäót say no. I stopped challenging myself. It became a bit by rote and, as a creative person, that can wear you down. That was part of why I took that time off, to ask myself, ├óΓé¼╦£What do I want? What am I looking for?├óΓé¼Γäó and shut down all the noise.├óΓé¼┬¥

The good news is that the first step to any sort of recovery is acceptance.
Let’s just hope that her big TV comeback will come with an attitude makeover on set too!!!
P.S.: Click HERE to see the Katherine and the rest of the celebs who are supposedly difficult to work with!