Katie Holmes Don't Need No Tom Cruise -- Or Any Man! Is LOVING La Vida Single!

Katie Holmes is LOVING la vida single!
You can tell from the constant smile on her thetan-infested face: becoming the ex-Mrs. Tom Cruise was the best decision Katie has ever made!
Pals close to the single actress say “Katie is just flourishing in her new life.” Still, life post-the big split hasn’t been all up-hill!
Our source reveals:

“Yes, there have been some dark moments but she [Katie] was more than ready to embark on the next phase of her life post-Tom Cruise. Katie felt that her professional career suffered because she was married to Tom and that she didn’t have the final say in her acting roles.”

As far as moving on with her romantically… Joey isn’t ready to find herself a new Pacey just yet.
According to her pal:

“Katie believes in love and hopes to get remarried one day but has absolutely no plans on dating anytime soon. Katie is devoted to being the best parent possible to Suri [Cruise] and continuing a smooth transition into their new lives together. Katie knows bringing a new man into the situation would only cause more stress for Suri right now.”

Always putting Suri first! THAT is a good momma!
Guess all those alleged suiters we’re spotted her with were actually just guy-pals after all.
We wish Kate nothing but luck in her new single life, though there are TONZ of amazing fellas we would loooove to see her with!
[Image via Ramey Pix.]