Hey Foxy! Jordan Wants You To Play Her In Her Bio-Pic!

Oh man! At the rate her career is going, this may very well be a legitimate option!
For some bizarre reason, a bio-pic is being made about Jordan AKA Katie Price‘s life, and the former glamour model/reality star has openly expressed her desire to have Megan Fox play her in the film!
She explains:

“My movie is definitely on – I’d love Megan Fox to play me, she’s stunning. As for the rest of the cast, I’m not too worried. As long as they’re good-looking.”

Personally, we’re surprised that Katie doesn’t want to play herself! Nobody can do you better than yourself, gurl!
That being said, it would be kind of strangely fascinating to watch Foxy parading around with a DDD bust and screaming in a British accent! Some deep, dark twisted part of us actually wants to see it happen!
What do U think?? Should Megan play Jordan?
[Images via WENN.]