"Canada's Club Scene Sucks" - Ke$ha

Looks like unicorns aren’t the only animal Ke$ha cares about.

Ke$ha and Iggy Pop have joined forces with PETA to launch a global campaign against the clubbing of baby seals.

The annual clubbing of baby seals begins this week on the ice floes of eastern Canada; this campaign aims to combat the government’s attempts to market baby seal fur internationally.

In a statement Ke$ha said:

“I was lucky enough to get to watch a bunch of wild seals recently and truly fell in love with these amazing creatures. Canada gets to be host to harp seals each year during their migration to the ice to give birth which is beautiful and peaceful. But because the babies’ fur is so soft, there are people who club and brutally kill these young animals. The Canadian seal slaughter is barbaric and archaic. My music and my fans are part of a movement of youth taking over the world with positive change. I know they├óΓé¼Γäóll help me and PETA ban the Canadian seal slaughter so the only place you see baby seal fur is in a museum.”

We whole heartedly support Ke$ha in her worthy (and surprisingly witty) campaign!

[Image via WENN.]