Kellan Lutz Went Kellan Nutz For The Paleo Diet To Bulk For Hercules!

Even though the Paleo diet ranked as the worst diet for 2014 — as said by the U.S. News, anyway — that didn’t stop Kellan Lutz from using it to his advanatage!
How can it be the worst if Adriana Lima is on it?? She’s a supermodel!
Anyway, we digress!
Kellan used the strict diet to get into amazeballz shape for Hercules: The Legend Begins (Kellan looks great at the premiere!), and from what we’ve seen of his body (above)… well, it totally worked for him, anyway!
Here’s what he said about his diet:

”I wanted to put on weight, Renny [Harlin] the director, he just wanted me cut, so I had to get cut. If you’ve ever been on a movie set, there’s food all the time. It’s hard to stay healthy because I had milk chocolate bars three times a day, and I’d just eat the whole bar.”

Sounds like it worked in the face of those candy bars!!
Lookin’ good Kellan!
P.S. — Now that that’s all cleared up… how about you give us the REAL deetz on Ms. Cyrus??