Kendall & Kylie Jenner Sued Over Their PacSun T-Shirt Slogan

Time to play armchair lawyer, Perezcious readers!
Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner, along with PacSun, are being sued for allegedly knocking off another brand’s t-shirt slogan.
Related: Kendall & Kylie Celebrate Kim’s Baby Shower
A Florida-based clothing manufacturer called Island Company has filed a lawsuit against the sisters and clothing retailer for using the phrase “Fall in love, never return” on one of their tank tops, which they claim closely mirrors their slogan, “Quit your job, buy a ticket, get a tan, fall in love, never return.
The full slogan on the Kendall & Kylie for PacSun shirt reads: “Run away, fall in love, never return.”
See both tops (below).

Except for the fact that both urge to fall in love and never come back (dubious advice, tbh), there really aren’t any similarities.
Certainly not enough “to cause confusion, mistake and deception among consumers, the public and the trade as to whether defendants’ products or services are affiliated with, sponsored by or endorsed by plaintiff,” as Island Company’s claim states.
And can anybody really copyright a phrase as widely used as “fall in love”?
Even “never return” isn’t very original.
Do YOU think the Jenners and PacSun owe Island Company any dough???
[Image via Pacific Coast News Online, Island Company, & PacSun.]