Kendall Jenner Opens Up About Her Struggles With Acne!

Although she’s one of the most sought after models in the fashion industry, Kendall Jenner wasn’t always the confident girl you see on the catwalk.
In a blog post published on Tuesday, the 19-year-old admits she’s struggled with acne her entire life.
Related: Kendall Jenner Shows Off Her Nipple Ring!
It all started at the beginning of high school when the KUWTK star experienced skin problems.
The reality TV personality confesses :

“I had such bad acne when I was younger; I remember it SO well!”

It was such a problem that it greatly affected her self-esteem.
She revealed:

“Where it really impacted me was how self-conscious I became about it. It completely ruined my self-esteem. I wouldn’t even look at people when I talked to them├óΓé¼┬ª I felt like such an outcast; when I spoke, it was with my hand covering my face. Sure, I had crushes in high school, but I wouldn’t even think about looking at guys.”

However, the fashionista was able to overcome her insecurities with help from her famous family.

“They would help me work on my feelings about it and how I would move past that stage of my life.”

With aid from a dermatologist, the leggy brunette was able to become “acne-free for about three years now.”
Ultimately, Miz Jenner understands that it’s what’s inside that counts.

“Slowly, I’m working towards not caring and I’m just in so much of a better place about it all now that I’m older… I realized that it’s a part of life for some people and it doesn’t define who you are.”

We are proud of Kendall for opening up, and we hope young women can learn to be confident in their own skin!
[Image via WENN.]