Kendra Got Invited To Hef's Wedding!

… by email! Whomp Whomp!

Kendra revealed on Leno that she did get invited then, after bring it up nationally to E! News:

“I hadn’t gotten my invitation yet. I was a little bit worried, so I put it out there into the universe├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥the media. You know, sometimes you have to use being a celebrity sometimes, get things out there and be like, ‘Where’s my invitation? Wink-wink.'”

“I actually got an email from Hef right after that.”

And, luckily, Jay Leno had the email right there, ready to read to all! Here’s the eloquent and poetic invitation that Hef sent:

Dear Kendra,

We haven’t sent any ‘Save the Dates,’ but if you can’t make the planned wedding on June 18, we’ll just change the date. Do you think I’d consider getting married without you being there?!

Keep shaking your booty. I love you. See you soon.

All best,

Really?? That’s so impersonal! The least you could have done, Hef, would be call her up and invite her personally! It would take maybe five to ten minutes, depending on the small talk!


It’s a good thing she’s a good sport about it, because she’s totally going to be there regardless of how she was invited!

Glad you landed an invite, girl!

How do U feel about how he invited her??

[Image via WENN.]