Kentucky County Clerk STILL Refusing To Issue Same-Sex Marriage Licenses -- Despite The Fact She's Now Breaking The Law!

Well this is getting very frustrating!
Since the Supreme Court ruling on same sex marriage, Kim Davis, Rowan County Clerk in Kentucky, has denied marriage licenses for same-sex couples over and over.
Since then, a federal judge ordered that she had to issue them, a ruling that an appeals court upheld.
And yet she’s still turning couples away!
[ Related: Baker Who Refused To Bake A Cake For Gay Couple Gets Burnt By The Court! ]
It was just yesterday that that the Supreme Court had rejected her appeal for a delay in her case. Since the Supreme Court declined to intervene it left her no grounds to deny any more marriage licenses.
But you can probably guess what happened today…
When the clerk’s office opened this morning, they announced they’re STILL not issuing the licenses!
Two couples, April Miller and Karen Roberts as well as David Moore and David Ermold, were told by a deputy clerk that there would be no licenses issued today while initially refusing to make Davis available for questions or comments.
When she finally did emerge, she asked everyone to back away from the counter while repeating that no licenses would be issued and claimed her reasoning to be “under God’s authority.”
See the moment she came out of her office and confronted the crowd (below):

Davis comes out to speak to another couple denied license
Posted by Hillary Thornton WKYT on Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The office at one time was packed with people on both sides of the issue but has since been cleared out by law enforcement, with supporters moving outside the courthouse to resume yelling and chanting at each other.
Kim’s husband Joe Davis was reached for comment in which he compared his wife to the characters Paul and Silas in the bible who were sent to prison and rescued by God.
He went on to say:

“They want us to accept their beliefs and their ways. But they won’t accept our beliefs and our ways.”

We can’t believe that people are so intolerant of others that they would want to deny someone the right to marry who they want!
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Joe tries to make a point about accepting each other’s beliefs, but it’s ultimately invalid because his beliefs are based on religion, which does NOT control our laws, thank goodness.
What his wife is doing now is illegal.
Two LGBT couples have already asked U.S. District Judge David Bunning to hold Davis in contempt for what she’s done and to fine her, but there’s no request of jail time. This will most likely result in a hearing for the couples to tell their side of the story and could possibly include a testimony from Davis herself!
Once that happens, Bunning will then determine a proper punishment.
Despite your feelings on this, anyone who lives in a country has to obey their laws or suffer the consequences. As for Kim, we hope she gets what’s coming to her.
[Image via AP Images.]