The View Co-Host Paula Faris Scores First Interview With Kim Davis! Find Out Who Else Plans On Speaking With The Infamous Kentucky Clerk!

Like it or not, we’re about to hear a whole lot more from Kim Davis!
The Kentucky County Clerk sparked nationwide outrage ever since she refused to do her job and issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples!
Now, the religious crusader will be speaking out about the controversy in her very first sit down interview — with The View co-host Paula Faris!
A segment of the interview will air tonight on World News Tonight, but the full interview airs Tuesday morning on Good Morning America!
Related: Kim Davis Is Allegedly Still Altering Marriage Licenses!
Though ABC isn’t the only outlet Davis will be going to. On Wednesday, the clerk will speak with Fox NewsMegyn Kelly in a cable news exclusive that will air during The Kelly File later that night!
Apparently, one of the questions Kelly plans to ask is if Davis believes she disobeyed a federal judge’s order about altering marriage license forms for same-sex couples since her release from jail!
We’ll see what the disgraced clerk has to say for herself when her interviews air this week!
[Image via ABC News/Twitter.]