The Internet Reacts To Kim Kardashian's Bare ASSets On PAPER Magazine With The Most HIGHlarious Memes EVER!

Have you seen Kim Kardashian‘s PAPER magazine cover yet?
Duh, you’re on the internet, of course you have.
Well, North West‘s momma bared her best assets for all the world to see, and the internet reacted accordingly…
[ Related: Kim Kardashian’s Bare Assets Sparked Judgmental Comments! ]
By making some of the most HIGHlarious memes on Twitter, Instagram, and even the folks on reddit got involved!
Ever wanted to see Kimmy as a centaur, or Kim’s body with Kanye West‘s face?
Well, look no further, we’ve got the best of the internet’s reactions to her asstastic cover right HERE!

Who knew Taylor Swift was hiding all that under her clothes!?!?

And Kim’s the newest Disney Princess! They’re going for edgier with her look…

[Images via Paper Magazine/Instagram/Reddit/FayesVision/WENN/Disney.]