Kim Kardashian Has Only Put On 23 Pounds Since She Got Pregnant!

Well, hopefully, this will FINALLY put all of these horrible, thoughtless rumors to rest!
Kim Kardashian‘s weight has been under an enormous amount of scrutiny during her pregnancy, which tabloids alleging that since announcing she was with child, she’s put on up to 200 pounds, is afraid Kanye West will cheat on her, and is considering a post-birth tummy tuck!
Yeah! It’s so ridiculous and horrible that even Gwyneth Paltrow is telling folks to back off!
But according to new reports, the reality starlet is lashing out at one particular article from In Touch, titled “I Can’t Stop Eating” and featuring a photo of her demolishing an ice cream cone…because she can prove that significant portion of it is made up!
Sources reveal that the reality starlet went in for a check-up last week, which confirmed that despite rumors of a 65-pound weight gain, she’s only up to 151 pounds…which means that she’s gained a mere total of 23 so far!
Furthermore, the ‘ice cream’ photo from the magazine was actually a shot of her in Monaco in 2009…and she was actually only eating sugar-and-dairy-free yogurt with strawberries!
Which we think is ESPECIALLY silly, since she has been spotted eating ice cream since she got pregnant!
How many times can we say “there’s a LIVING THING inside of her that NEEDS nourishment?”
They call it “eating for two” for a REASON, folks!
Hang in there, gurl! You’re in our thoughts!
[Image via WENN.]