WTF Is Kim Kardashian Wearing Through The Airport?!

WHAT. Is going on here.
Who approved of this outfit???
Kim Kardashian made her way through LAX a mere 24 hours after she departed on Monday, but that wasn’t even the most unusual thing about her appearance.
Her sparkly Prada bra top worn over a Wolford dress styled with Balmain boots and a fur coat was the strangest outfit we’ve seen ever Kimmy wear, EVER, and that’s taking her recent pajama lunch attire into consideration!!
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Also, her boobs look uncomfortably squished. Let them breathe, mama!!
2015 has been off to a stylistically strange start for the 34-year-old, so we can’t even begin to imagine what the rest of the year will look like.
She certainly knows how to give us something to talk about!
[Image via WENN.]