Kim Richards Is Finally Sending Her Pit Bull To A Trainer After Its Fifth Attack!

It’s about time!
It feels like everything we’ve heard about Kim Richards recently has been about her pit bull Kingsley biting people!
Thankfully, for the safety of Kim, Kingsley, and everyone in Beverly Hills, the Real Housewife has finally decided to send her dog to a trainer following his fifth attack.
And that’s only counting aggressions towards people!
There are a lot more documented instances of Kingsley being violent with other dogs.
[ Related: Kim Richards’ Pit Bull Attacked Kyle’s Daughter Alexia! ]
We understand loving your pet unconditionally, but once it starts biting anyone, especially your own family, we’d like to think anyone would get the message!
Hopefully this training session fixes whatever issues Kingsley has been displaying.
[Image via Kim Richards/Instagram]