Kristen Stewart Craved Something 'Crazy' To Excite Her 'Boring' Life!

If you thought Rupert Sanders — the director that Kristen Stewart allegedly cheated on Rob Pattinson with — had some words to eat, just WAIT ├óΓé¼╦£til you hear what KStew said in a recent interview!
Kristen covered Elle magazine just last month and was quoted making one VERY interesting remark which gives new meaning to the saying, “be careful what you wish for!”
Stewart stated:

“You can learn so much from bad things. I feel boring. I feel like, ‘Why is everything so easy for me?’ I can’t wait for something crazy to f–king happen to me. Just life. I want someone to f–k me over! Do you know what I mean?”

Hoooooly shiz. Well Kristen, is this crazy enough for you? LOLz…
Guess for someone who has had it “so easy,” this might be the little HUGE bit of dramz that she was yearning for!
As for something Rob revealed in a 2011 interview with Italian Vanity Fair?
Pattinson said:

“Life is not black and white…there is one thing I never understood: why people cheat.├óΓé¼┬¥

And neither do we, Robert!
After she allegedly f**ked RPatz over, wonder if he’ll give her what she’s asking for?!
What a mess!
[Image via WENN.]