Lance Armstrong Announces First Race Since He Admitted He Was A Cheater!

Does it get harder or easier to cheat after you’ve admitted to doing it?
On one hand, you’ll have more people watching your every move — on the other, you don’t really have to convince people supplying the illegal performance enhancers you’re not a cop! LOLz!
Lance Armstrong has just announced his first race since admitting he was a liar, cheater, and completely untrustworthy person. You know, all despite being banned from cycling competitions FOR LIFE.
He’ll be participating in The Des Moines Register newspaper’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa in July. Here’s what he had to say about it:

“I’m well aware my presence is not an easy topic, and so I encourage people if they want to give a high-five, great. If you want to shoot me the bird, that’s OK too ├óΓé¼┬ª I├óΓé¼Γäóm a big boy, and so I made the bed, I get to sleep in it.”

What we don’t get is why he feels the need to compete in ANYTHING anymore. The USADA can’t take his bike from him — why isn’t riding on your own enough? Why do you have to bring controversy to a good thing?
He continued:

“To be honest it’s not a statement, it’s not an experiment. It’s just me wanting to go ride my bike with what in the past has been a friendly group of people that share the same interests. [I’m] just a dude like everybody who likes to ride bikes and likes to drink beer and has made his fair share of mistakes — and that’s that.”

Lying about doping at a world-level and cheating to win a huge amount of Tour De Frances isn’t exactly what we’d call a “fare share” of mistakes. There’s nothing normal about it, and it wasn’t even a mistake — you did that shizz on purpose!
He then spoke a little about the $135 million in liabilities he faces from lawsuits:

“Whether it’s settling cases or whether it’s fighting some cases ├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥ because some have merit, some don’t. But I’m committed to the process and that’s probably as much as I would and could say about it. That’s a tricky area there ├óΓé¼┬ª unless you have $135 million you want to let me borrow, or have?”

Ha! Jokes! We’re glad he feels so comfortable just months after his confession to just joke around with what he’s done!
Seriously though, give it up with the organized races, Lance. The controversy for the decent folks putting it together isn’t worth your vain reasons to show up. You’ve been banned for legit reasons!
[Image via AP Images.]