Lance Armstrong Does The Right Thing -- Pleads Guilty To Charges In Hit & Run Case Where His Girlfriend Almost Took The Blame

The truth will set you free, Lance Armstrong!
On Wednesday, Lance pled guilty to charges stemming from a December incident in Aspen — essentially, the cyclist crashed into two parked cars, a mistake he tried to pawn off on his girlfriend.
[ Related: Lance Has Been Fined For Using Performance Enhancing Drugs! ]
Pretty heinous, right?
After Anna Hansen finally admitted that she was NOT driving that night, law enforcement took the appropriate next steps.
To atone for the crime, the shamed sports figure pled guilty to careless driving and in exchange, two other charges were dropped, speeding and failing to report an accident.
In addition, Lance paid $238.50 in court costs, fees, and a fine. It’s still not clear if the owners of the damaged cars will sue for restitution.
It’s been quite the week for Armstrong — on Tuesday, he was ordered to pay a $10 MILLION fine for using performance enhancing drugs during the Tour de France.
Well, karma always finds a way! Hopefully Lance has FINALLY learned that honesty is always the best policy
[Image via Twitter.]