Lance Armstrong Faces MORE Consequences For Doping!!!

Oh shizzz, Lance!
We bet you’re totally regretting doping now, aren’t you? You know, with the fact that The International Cycling Union has asked you to return any prize money you earned while shooting up full of illegal performance enhancing drugs?
Plus, it looks like they’re just not going to have a winner at all, officially, from 1999 to 2005 for the Tours de France. How does that make you feel? The sport is basically disgraced for almost a decade!
Here’s what the UCI had to say:

“With respect to Lance Armstrong and the implications of the Usada sanctions which it endorsed on Monday, 22 October, the management committee decided not to award victories to any other rider or upgrade other placings in any of the affected events.
“The committee decided to apply this ruling from now on to any competitive sporting results disqualified due to doping for the period from 1998 to 2005, without prejudice to the statute of limitation. The committee also called on Armstrong and all other affected riders to return the prize money they had received.
“The UCI management committee acknowledged that a cloud of suspicion would remain hanging over this dark period ├óΓé¼ΓÇ£ but that while this might appear harsh for those who rode clean, they would understand there was little honour to be gained in reallocating places.”

How is there little honor in that? The clean rider who finished behind the dopers DESERVES the title. It’s as simple as that!
We wonder if Lance will fight to keep the money. This whole thing is a mess, and we’re ready to move on!
[Image via WENN.]