Lauren Conrad's Neighbors Still Hate Her!

We’d be pissed too!
The presence of Lauren Conrad has turned her LA neighborhood topsy turvey. We’ve written about it before and now the LA Times is getting on on the action too!
The once quiet street she lives on is now overrun with sightseeing vans and tour buses that stop so gawkers could snap pictures and peer over L.C.’s fence in hopes of a glimpse of the show’s ‘stars’.
Residents say the girls have been courteous and cordial but ‘complain that gawkers blocking their driveways and littering their lawns and the continuous filming has become a nuisance.’
Neighbors also report that fans sometimes show up after the midnight hour to wake them up with screams of, “Lauren, we love you!”
How rude!
Even more disturbing are the occasional altercations in front of Conrad’s house, according to street residents.
There was a “a drunken brawl (that) broke out during a party” at the house May 4th, which continued as the combatants stumbled down the street.
On June 14th “several paparazzi began fighting and one pulled a knife on the other one.
One of L.C.’s neighbors told the Times that many in the neighborhood doubt that Conrad, Patridge and Bosworth actually live in the house, despite what the show’s story line suggests.
The Hills lying???? Say it ain’t so!
“Lights are left on in there 24/7, so you wonder if anyone is sleeping. Most of the neighbors don’t see them there on a regular basis except when they are shooting,” said the resident.
We wouldn’t be surprised if what the neighbor asserts is true!
Seems like everything else is faked!
MTV should start handing out money to the peeps in the neighborhood to keep them ‘happy’. The angry locals might succeed in getting their filming permits pulled!
[Image via WENN.]