Lauryn Hill Is Grateful For Her Fans As She Faces The Reality Of JAIL!

There’s no denying that Lauryn Hill has had it rough lately, with being sentenced to jail and all that, but she’s thankful her fans have had her back the entire time!
Last night, using social media outlets, Lauryn publicly recognized all the people who sent letters to the Judge on her behalf. And it was quite a lengthy list!!
She additionally posted the following message along with that list:

“I also want to thank all of my family, friends, business associates, and fans who have called, emailed, sent texts, and posted messages of concern, encouragement, and support. I appreciate the well wishes, and I thank you for your prayers.
Also, to anyone who may have written letters that we did not know about, thank you also, all of you.”

We appreciate that Lauryn took some time out of her day to throw back some of the support she’s been feeling (unfortunately, not from the Judge). ESPECIALLY since all the letters in the world probably couldn’t have saved her from the three months of jail time she now faces.
She ended her letter with a mystery sentence, saying:

“I will have more to say soon, but did not want to further delay expressing my appreciation.”

Hmm what could this be?? She already announced a new record deal AND released a new single, so maybe she has more to say about her new album? Or maybe she has something totally different to express.
She said soon, so it sounds like we won’t have to wait long to find out!
You can view the entire Facebook post HERE.
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[Image via WENN.]