Levi Johnston's Sister SLAMS Bristol And Sarah Palin In Playboy Interview!

Looks like some people may actually be innerested in picking up THIS issue of Playboy for the articles!

Last month, we learned that Levi Johnston’s sister Mercede Johnston would be posing for Playboy and that she’d be speaking out against Sarah & Bristol Palin in the accompanying article.

Now, the interview is done, and we’ve got some nasty excerpts from Ms. Johnston below!

Here’s what Mercede had to say about Bristol:

“Everything is about her, her, her. She has to have her own way. She’ll be supersweet and then she turns into the most evil person I’ve ever known…honestly, she is the meanest person.”

“I didn’t know someone could be so vindictive and evil…[She’s] a sociopath. She doesn’t think anything she could do or does is wrong.”

It gets juicier! Here’s Mercede on Bristol and Levi’s pregnancy:

“They were trying to conceive for months.”

Whoa! That’s a bold statement there, Mercede! Let’s see what she had to say about Sarah Palin:

“[She’s] never there for [her kids]. She doesn’t make her kids go to school. She’d rather parade them around and put on a show, at book signings or conventions.”

“I think she’d have had a mental breakdown if she was elected [president]…She can’t even answer Katie Couric’s questions.”

“…As governor she quit on us. What does that say about her?”

And here’s what Mercede says she texted to Levi when she heard that Bristol was preggers:

“Ever since I found out I was pregnant, I prayed to God you weren’t the father.”

Wowsa! Mercede REALLY doesn’t like those Palins!!!!

What do U think about Levi Johnston’s sister’s comments? Do U think everything she’s saying is legit???

[Image via WENN.]