Miley Cyrus Is Getting On Liam Hemsworth's Last Nerve On Set!

Uh oh!
It sounds like Liam Hemsworth might have to sit Miley Cyrus down for a little chat about the difference between work and play!
Reportedly, Hemsworth has been clashing with his fiancee while he’s been off filming (below) his upcoming flick, Paranoia, in Philadelphia!
While letting Miley come along for the ride might’ve SEEMED like a good idea at the time, it looks like her presence is proving to be less of a pleasure and more of a distraction!
A source revealed:

“Miley is driving Liam crazy at the moment. While he’s on set in Philadelphia shooting his new film Paranoia, she gallivants around town shopping, getting pampered in nail salons and just can’t sit still. Then, when she sees Liam after he’s finished filming, she chews his ear off about her adventures and can’t wait to tell him what she did that day.”

Poor Liam! That must get frustrating, after working so hard every day and just wanting to relax and unwind after wrapping! Looks like Miley even visited him on set (above) yesterday!
The source went on to say:

“Miley wants to go to the local gay bars and hit up fancy restaurants, which Liam just isn’t in the mood for. And it doesn’t help that Miley brought along their bulldog, Ziggy for the trip. Liam can’t get a good night’s sleep with Ziggy snoring next to him.”

Perhaps Miley’s overstayed her welcome?? While we totally understand why she would want to be around her soon-to-be hubby with all of his Aussie hotness, he DOES have a job to do!
Guess Mz. Cyrus needed that little reminder, because the insider stated:

“Liam’s told Miley that he’s in Philadelphia to work and can’t focus with her buzzing around him. He even suggested perhaps it was time for her to go back home.”

Wonder how THAT convo went down! Surely it couldn’t have gone over well, LOLz!
We hope the young couple can figure out a balance and not let their frustrations get the best of them!
[Images via WENN.]