Liam Payne Tries To Save Fans From Deadly Australian Snakes!

No one can argue that Liam Payne doesn’t care about his Directioners!

He’s probably the most emotional members of One Direction and Daddy Direction really takes things to heart! Especially when one of his fans are in immediate danger!

So, when he saw some fans sneaking around in a poisonous snake-infested field behind 1D’s hotel in Adelaide, Australia, Mr. Captain Payne heroically rushed to his Twitter to express his concern.

And, no, we’re not talking about the 10-inch anaconda hiding in his pants, but actual dangerous venomous Aussie serpents!

Liam posted the cautionary tweet to fans, saying:

When the girls didn’t listen, Liam began to panic and warned them with eager frustration yet again, tweeting:

Oh, Liam! You’re just too precious! Girls, listen to Liam! Can you not hear the payne in his voice??

We know, he’s willing to step in at your beck and call and be the hero of the day! Don’t make him save you… instead, we just ask for more shirtless Aussie pics, KTHXBYE.

P.S. CLICK HERE to “follow” Perez on Twitter!

P.P.S. CLICK HERE to “like” Perez on Facebook!

[Image via WENN.]