Lil' Wayne SPEAKS!! See What The Rapper Tweeted His Fans After The Hospital Scare HERE!

He speaks!!
Despite rampant speculation that Lil’ Wayne was in fact being read his last rites after multiple seizures, the iconic rapper sent out a message just seconds ago assuring his fans that he’s indeed alive and well!
To his 10 mil plus Twitter followers, he said:

Phew! You’re so welcome, Weezy!!
We’ve never been this happy to read anyone’s tweet before!
Of course, a certain news agency still coming under fire reports something different!
Their sources say Weezy can’t be tweeting because he is actually sleeping right now at the hospital!
Hmmm… Either way, we’re just triple excited our favorite foul-mouthed rapper is feeling better!
Get well soon, Weezy!
[Image via WENN.]