Lindsay Lohan Makes A List Of Friends Who Are Bad Influences Because She Knows That They're Toxic!

This A-Lister is making a list herself: a rundown of all the naughty and nice people in her life.

She better check it twice!

According to a source close to LiLo herself, Lindsay Lohan has allegedly made two lists while at Cliffside’s substance abuse treatment facility: one of friends she will keep, the other of “toxic friends and influences.”

Out of a reported list of about 100 friends, a good 80 made the chopping block and will be told to leave…Lindsay…alone!

Lindsay reportedly showed the list to some of her bestiez, and apparently they were for the most part in agreement with her choices.

Gurl, the only name on your list of friends right now should be Oprah! And for those on your other list? They’ll none of them be missed!

Also… where do your PARENTS fall on these lists? Because they really shouldn’t be overlooked, you know?

[Image via FayesVision/WENN.]