Lindsay Drops "Lohan" From Her Name

From now on, she’s just Lindsay.
You’d do well to remember it!
According to her mother, Dina, Lindsay has decided she no longer wants her father’s namesake attached to her own. Apparently, she is in the midst of legally changing her name to just Lindsay, in the vein of other famous celebrities.
It’s true. Most of the greats have just one name.
Oprah. Madonna. Cher. Prince. Elvis. Rupaul. Tiffany. Shaq. Socrates. Nostradamus. Stalin. Brandy.
You get the idea.
Anyway, Dina explains further to sources:

“Lindsay is dropping the Lohan and just going by Lindsay. Plus, me and [younger daughter] Ali will be officially changing our last names back to my maiden name, Sullivan.”

Wow. Severing all ties to Michael, huh? Drastic move for attention.
Another close family friend adds:

“So many of the greatest people in showbiz are known by just their first name. Look at Oprah and Beyonce. Now you can add Lindsay to that list. And it’s a way for them all to start over. No one in the family want anything to do with Lindsay’s father [Michael Lohan] anymore and that includes sharing a last name.”

You know, girl’s gotta do what she’s gotta do, but she really doesn’t have to go through so much trouble to disassociate from her father. In truth, she’s brought much more notoriety to the name “Lohan” than her publicity-lovin’ papa.
Wait, does this mean we can’t call you LiLo anymore???
[Image via WENN.]